Rudder up when flying a hull
Message #595 by:  Fabio Lavatelli
Posted on:  Friday 22nd of August 2003 at 6:32 pm
Hi friends,

I have noticed on pictures around on the internet that sometimes when one flies a hull the relative rudder is up, such as in this picture: or in this other one:,show_pict,hobie_14,hc14_mg_2.jpg,produits

Is this a technique or it was just by coincidence that the rudder out of the water was up? Can someone explain more on this?

Thanks in advance

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Messages in this thread:
Rudder up when flying a hull by Fabio Lavatelli on 22.08.2003
     one rudder by M ike Madge on 26.08.2003
     Rudder up by Mark Venning on 30.09.2003

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