Rudders explained
Message #586 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 14th of August 2003 at 2:18 pm

Sloppy rudders are slow rudders.

On #3 It is because the shape of the hull on the inside is different to that on the outside, so the water flow at the back of the boat is not quite straight. Next time your at the boat have a look at the direction the water will come off the inside and the outside and you will see why the trailing edges need to be further apart than the leading edges.

If you are not sure on this send me an email on [email protected] and i'll send you a picture explaining it all.

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Messages in this thread:
rudders by Steve on 12.08.2003
     Rudders fixed.... by Jon Worthington on 12.08.2003
          rudders again.. by Steve on 12.08.2003
               Rudders explained by Jon Worthington on 14.08.2003
                    Rudders by Ed Hall on 15.09.2003

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