Hobie 18 for/sale $500. complete
Message #528 by: 
Posted on:  Friday 13th of June 2003 at 4:42 am
Hobie 18 for sale...sails great cond...yellow hulls ...everything is intact...boat needs work...mast was bent in Ice storm..has 5 inch gash in right hull...and front spar has small crack....$500.....also trailor for Hobie 18 for sale $200....call (919 362-8729 near Raleigh NC....or send an email...Dave

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 18 for/sale $500. complete by dave marshall on 13.06.2003
     hobie 18 for sale by Raoul on 16.06.2003
     Hobie18 by Greg on 25.07.2003

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