Hobie 16 Weight
Message #476 by:  Mark Farrow
Posted on:  Thursday 10th of April 2003 at 2:29 pm

The minimum weight is about 129.3Kg's. The ideal weight would be just that, however you are better off being just 1Kg over (about), just in case you loose weight over the course of a regatta - I always do.

If you are under weight, you are better off than if you are too heavy, I sailed with my wife for years and had to carry 10Kg's of lead - we still won the odd race.

Good luck.


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Hobie 16 ideal weight?? by andy on 10.04.2003
     Hobie 16 Weight by Mark Farrow on 10.04.2003
     ideal weight by Anonymous on 07.05.2003

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