Message #462 by: 
Posted on:  Friday 21st of March 2003 at 11:13 pm
Do you intend to sail mostly single handed or with crew? Where will you sail? Would you like to race? etc
If you are anywhere near Datchet (http://www.dwsc.co.uk), friendly advice is on tap, also try the Hobie guys at Poole.(http://www.hobiecatcentre.co.uk/). Jez or Steve at Poole have a calendar with UK events all over the place, including demos - call Steve on 01202 671661
It is possible to dive in at the deep end and go straight for the best, an FXOne (no bias here then!), but only if you are already a fairly competent sailor. Alternatively join a good sailing club where cat sailing happens a lot, and find your match that way. Crewing or sharing a boat is fun and the way many start.

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