Message #452 by:  Ben Cutler-Sharp
Posted on:  Monday 10th of March 2003 at 8:27 pm
I have one but its for sale at £4100 so may well be out of your price range. If not then read my posting below on the hobie chat room and/or contact me on 07816 455173. The other Hobie 16 down in penzance sailed by Ryan and Lewis (106101) were trying to sell their old boat last time i spoke to them and it sounds perfect for ur needs. Go up and talk to them if they are down there though sum1 may be able to give u their number.

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Messages in this thread:
hobie 16 in SW wanted by gavin on 10.03.2003
     H16 by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 10.03.2003
          h16 in the sw by gavin on 11.03.2003
     re. hobie 16 in SW wanted by Ryan on 17.03.2003
     Wanting a H16 by Trevor Howard on 25.03.2003

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