Winter series at Datchet
Message #441 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 3rd of February 2003 at 6:02 pm
Datchet Water Sailing Club are running a winter series each Sunday in February for all cat classes, Jez and I have signed up to do all of them so we will be there every Sunday to race the Hobie Centre Tiger.
The turn out this weekend (2nd Feb)was encouraging with 14 boats but we would love to see more Hobies racing.
If you have a Hobie at Datchet or elsewhere and would like to join in the racing just turn up and register for a prompt start at 10.30. The fee is £12 per race or £35 for the series.
The Tiger and the FX1 will be available for demo on Saturday the 8th Feb at Datchet as we are trying to build on the success of these boats at this club.
P.S if anyone in the West London area needs spares bringing to Datchet let me know 01202 671661
Hope to see you there


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Winter series at Datchet by Steve Beard on 03.02.2003

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