H14 - charter
Message #439 by: 
Posted on:  Sunday 26th of January 2003 at 3:33 pm
Belated response. I hope you have found a boat for the worlds. You would of course be welcome to use mine but I doubt you would want it. Starting on it's 26th year this Feb. Have turbo-ised it when kit first available (butsail as 'classic'), five batten sail, two piece mast, etc., etc.. Have you had a word with the Hobie Centre in Poole. I'm sure you'll find one - Good luck in Travemunde.

Regards, Nick

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Hobie 14 by Mark Farrow on 14.01.2003
     HC14 by Ellen Forshaw on 15.01.2003
     H14 - charter by Nick Hardacre on 26.01.2003

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