H16 crew wanted
Message #403 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 27th of November 2002 at 3:15 pm
Im looking for a youth crew (U21) to race competitively with on the youth and senior circuit. You must be able to train regularly at Weymouth and commit to the youth racing calendar. (see http://www.dragoonsquad.co.uk ). Preferably around 60/65kgs and with some racing experiance. I have been in the 16 youth squad for 2 years and won the last event this year at Weston and came second in the travellers trophy overall.

If you are interested contact Ben Cutler-Sharp on
07816 455173 , 01297 32894 or [email protected]

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H16 crew wanted by Ben Cutler-Sharp on 27.11.2002

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