RE: RE: RE: Anonymous messages
Message #393 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 7th of November 2002 at 11:09 am
the views of a casual 'anonymous' recent submitter...

i'm currently in the process of trying to sell my family orientated dinghy (anyone want to buy a good mk.2 wayfarer) to fund a pre-loved hobie 16, and as i know little about the 16 found it really useful to just drop in and ask a few questions, if i'd had to go through a sign in process i would have not bothered. i also presumed you could'nt register unless you were a paid up uk hobiecat member. i'd say don't deter folk like me, some of us may stick around (and ask even more stupid questions).

out of interest, and worth a mention by way of example in case you all ever want to go down a different route with this sites message board in order to stimulate more varied and active chat, the best forum based site i've come accross and visit daily because its pretty lively is the longskate/slalom site

right, i'll go away and register now.

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Messages in this thread:
Anonymous messages by Vivienne Nichols on 30.10.2002
     RE: Anonymous messages by Chris Browning on 30.10.2002
          RE: RE: Anonymous messages by Mark Farrow on 04.11.2002
               RE: RE: RE: Anonymous messages by Anonymous on 07.11.2002

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