Hobie 16 £ 1295
Message #387 by:  Julian Spooner
Posted on:  Wednesday 30th of October 2002 at 9:59 am
Hobie 16 for sale
Carbon rudders
Telescopic extension
Can deliver (southwest)

Nice boat in good nick

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 £ 1295 by Julian Spooner on 30.10.2002
     RE: Hobie 16 £ 1295 by Anonymous on 08.11.2002
     Hobie 16 for sale by glenn stone on 19.01.2003
     Hobie 16 by duncan on 11.03.2003
          Hobie 16 by Andrew Clarke on 17.04.2003
     Hobie 16 still for sale? by Dominic on 28.04.2004

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