Events 2003 & Class Association Stuff
Message #383 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 30th of October 2002 at 7:57 am

As the new Class Secretary, this is likley to be the first of several messages from me. The events schedule for 2003 is now confirmed and is available from me, along with your membership applications for next year. If you are not already a member, I would encourage you to join asap. You'll not only get early notification of events and changes, but membership is essential if you intend to compete in any official national or european event sponsored by Hobie itself. (No membership - no entry) Other benefits include discounts on insurance, currently being negotiated; a soon to be relaunched newsletter; access to class training events led by notable and capable international sailors; and being part of a lobbying group that will maintain the value of your boat whilst others depreciate faster. How? Contact me for your membership information pack and you'll find out!!

Hear from you all soon!!!!


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Events 2003 & Class Association Stuff by Vivienne Nichols on 30.10.2002

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