crew or helm available
Message #372 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 24th of October 2002 at 7:58 pm
ive been sailing for 8 years and wanted try try my hand at hobie 16 sailing. i have sailed cats before but only a few times. i (up till now) have been sailing the 29er and the 405 before that. i have been sailing in a competitive level for the past 3 years over europe. my best result to date is 3rd in danish nationals (europeans) in the 405 2001 and 1st overall in the eastern zone championships 2002. i am 6' and weigh 70 kgs. ideally i would prefer to crew but i am not too fussy as i do both.
if any established h16 sailors would like to try me out please contact me.

chris kilsby


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crew or helm available by Anonymous on 24.10.2002

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