Xmas sailing in PORTUGAL
Message #356 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 30th of September 2002 at 8:45 pm
Hi HOBIE sailors,

come and meet us for fantastic catsailing with offshorewind and no waves - where??

The Hobie Cat Station THE SAILCOMPANY in Lagos / Algarve / Portugal is opened throughout the year for beginners, advanced and regattasailors ( Catcollege ).
In September 2004 we will do the EURO for 16 and Draggons in Lagos.
Join with us this sailing spot.

Special offer from 26.10 . - 09.11.02
one week accommodation ( double room )
one week rental car and
one week catsailing
for Euro 399,- per person ( minimum 2 persons )

Special offer for Xmas / New Year's Eve 02/03
one week accommodation ( double room )
one week rental car and
one week catsailing
from Euro 489,- per person ( minimum 2 persons )

See you in Portugal

Liane & Thomas Becker
APT. 811
P - 8601 910 Lagos
Telefon (00351) 91 730 49 57
Fax (00351) 282 79 20 34
[email protected]

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Xmas sailing in PORTUGAL by Anonymous on 30.09.2002

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