FOR SALE: Hobie 16LE (2yrs), racing condition + extras
Message #352 by:  James Power
Posted on:  Monday 23rd of September 2002 at 8:18 pm
For Sale: Hobie 16 LE
Good Racing Condition (2 years old), came 2nd at 2002 nationals
Sails: No. 106101, Style: Djerba Sun (blue orange yellow)

Tramp cover (worth £80)
Rudder socks
Carbo-air top blocks
Marlow Main & Jib Sheets (matching sail colours)
Assortment of Spares

Price: £4250.00 (or nearest offer)

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FOR SALE: Hobie 16LE (2yrs), racing condition + extras by James Power on 23.09.2002

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