British Fx One Association: Fx One - UK National Championshi
Message #329 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 9th of September 2002 at 9:54 pm
We have launched a new British Fx One Association for the Fx One. This fast craft is attracting converts from monohulls, outdated twin hulls and windsurfing. If you want to see a little more of what all the fuss is about, take a look at our new website, which may be particularly useful to new FxOne owners. In particular the first UK National Championships will take place at Datchet Water SC October 5/6, so why not come and take a look, or better still, join in?! For more information, comments etc, see website or email reply.

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British Fx One Association: Fx One - UK National Championshi by Adrian Jones on 09.09.2002
     Are the Fx One's still racing? by Bill on 15.03.2004

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