RE: Hobie16 for sale with double stack trailor and cat trax
Message #315 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 29th of August 2002 at 11:35 am
Stoddard what are you doing??!! You can't sell your boat you're meant to sail it!
mmmmm...son't say that you're getting a spitfire aswell??!!
anyway...your call!
take care

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie16 for sale with double stack trailor and cat trax by Stoddard Lance on 19.08.2002
     My contact details: 0774 867 3095 by Stoddard Lance on 19.08.2002
     RE: Hobie16 for sale with double stack trailor and cat trax by Ellen Forshaw on 29.08.2002

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