For Sale - Hobie 16 103890
Message #280 by:  Anonymous
Posted on:  Friday 9th of August 2002 at 3:46 pm
Trailer, trolley, coloured sails, rudder covers, 2 new harnesses. Brand new in May 1998...Must sell due to diving commitments - Price £2500, I love this boat and do not want to see her go hence no offers - Lying Heysham, Lancashire.
Tel : 07855 282799

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For Sale - Hobie 16 103890 by Anonymous on 09.08.2002
     RE: For Sale - Hobie 16 103890 by Anonymous on 05.09.2002
          RE: RE: For Sale - Hobie 16 103890 by Anonymous on 09.09.2002

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