hobie 16 for sale £2750
Message #262 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 29th of July 2002 at 2:26 pm
Hobie 16 97437. Trailer.Tramp cover. Mesh tramp. All usual extras. Cover. Not sailed for 2 years. £2750 01753 586768 07711 269622 David Tugwell.

Also Hobie 20 MAgnum. Wings. 3 trapeze. 2 sets sails Spinnaker. Spare tramp. Fun for the big seas £2950.

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Wanted hobie 16 by Anonymous on 29.07.2002
     RE: Wanted hobie 16 by Anonymous on 29.07.2002
          RE: RE: Wanted hobie 16 by Anonymous on 29.07.2002
          hobie 16 for sale £2750 by David Tugwell on 29.07.2002

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