Notice of Race Weymouth
Message #25 by:  Anonymous
Posted on:  Wednesday 30th of January 2002 at 6:04 pm
The first Hobie TT of 2002 will be held at Weymouth.
2nd and 3rd of February
Hosted by Portland Castle Sailing Club
Entry fee £25 youth (subsidised by RYA), others £35
Registration from 9.00AM
First race not before 11.30 AM
ISAF rules 2002 apply, catagory B event
Third party liability will be checked
Crews may be weighed (DND applies if over weight)
Contact Brian Phipps for info 07974194308
Sailing instructions will be issued on registration.

Chris Sproat

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Messages in this thread:
Notice of Race Weymouth by Anonymous on 30.01.2002
     RE: Notice of Race Weymouth by Ben Cutler on 30.01.2002
          RE: RE: Notice of Race Weymouth by James Power on 30.01.2002
               RE: RE: RE: Notice of Race Weymouth by James Power on 31.01.2002

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