Hobie 18 Build 1982! Lower rudder wanted!!!
Message #244 by: 
Posted on:  Tuesday 16th of July 2002 at 10:00 am
Dear Sirīs

I have a big problem with my Hobie 18 Build 1982!!
My lower rudder housing is broken, and i dont get this part anywhere.
So u are my last chance to get this part.

Maybe u have this part, if u dont have this part so pls be so kind and give me a tip where i have a chance. I now from hobie France that this part no more produced anymore 4 yaers ago.

I hope you have a good answer for me!!

Best regards from Vienna

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Hobie 18 Build 1982! Lower rudder wanted!!! by Anonymous on 16.07.2002
     hc18 ruderanlage by thomas on 31.10.2003

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