Pre Nationals Adult Hobie 16 Training
Message #202 by:  Chris Sproat
Posted on:  Sunday 9th of June 2002 at 9:03 pm
We have organised a training weekend at Bognor Regis SC on the 6th and 7th of July. Matt Eeles will be running the training. There will be a charge of £20 per boat (members of BYRC) and £30 per boat for non members, to cover costs.
To take part just turn up on the day. We aim to commence at 11.00 am on the Saturday.

See you there

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Messages in this thread:
Pre Nationals Adult Hobie 16 Training by Chris Sproat on 09.06.2002
     RE: Pre Nationals Adult Hobie 16 Training by Chris Sproat on 12.06.2002
     RE: Pre Nationals Adult Hobie 16 Training by Anonymous on 20.06.2002

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