Crew for the Senior European's
Message #198 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 3rd of June 2002 at 6:27 pm
Is there anyone out there who wishes to crew in the Europeans in Holand (5th-8th August). My name is Ben Mansfield and i am RYA Youth Champion in the Hobie 16 and, as i ve only been sailing a Hobie 16 since January i ve only been able to attend one T/T (as the other 2 were blown off) at which i came 2nd to Chris Sproat. My usual crrew, Ben Hinks cannot make the senior event, but can make the youth event. It does not matter what age you are. If you are interested please contact me on:
Home: 023 8045 4339
Phone: 07771 967659
E-mail: [email protected]
Please let me know asap. Thanks

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Crew for the Senior European's by Ben Mansfield on 03.06.2002

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