RE: RE: Hoby 16 spares
Message #178 by:  Anonymous
Posted on:  Sunday 26th of May 2002 at 6:32 pm
Maybe he has a rudder pin, 3rd batten and trapeze elastic already!!!!

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Messages in this thread:
Hoby 16 spares by Anonymous on 25.05.2002
     RE: Hoby 16 spares by James Power on 25.05.2002
          RE: RE: Hoby 16 spares by Anonymous on 26.05.2002
               RE: RE: RE: Hoby 16 spares by Ross Edmondson on 26.05.2002
                    Hobie 16 trampline needed by IanJ on 30.03.2003
     Hoby by Bean on 05.12.2003

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