Winning Hobie 16 for sale
Message #147 by: 
Posted on:  Monday 13th of May 2002 at 1:27 pm
Hobie 16 LE Race Year 2002.

White Knight rudder blades, mesh tramp, Harken blocks, White sails etc...mast bag, cat trax with H16 buckets.

Was new this Feb/March, this boat has won every race it has entered. Very stiff, very fast. Just qualified for the 2002 ISAF World Sailing Games.

Reason for sale: Baby and Wife require all spare time!!

South coast, may be able to deliver if local.


Contact Mark Farrow 07850 988153

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Winning Hobie 16 for sale by Mark Farrow on 13.05.2002
     RE: Winning Hobie 16 for sale by Anonymous on 17.05.2002
          RE: RE: Winning Hobie 16 for sale by Mark Farrow on 18.05.2002

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