righting a 16
Message #1083 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 14th of October 2004 at 7:52 pm
Having fairly recently bought a 16 i thought that i would soon learn how to right the 16. At the moment i and my crew are unable to right the boat without assistance. I have read every book i can find ad we appear to be dong things correctly, but we just cannot get the mast to come out of the water. I have a mast head float which adds a little weight to the top of the mast but we just are unable to move it.

We must be doing something wrong but we don't know what!

Any suggestions?

Steve Miles

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Messages in this thread:
righting a 16 by Steve Miles on 14.10.2004
     righting a 16 by Chris on 15.10.2004
          Righting a 16 by Steve Miles on 15.10.2004
     some tips for you by Drew on 18.10.2004
          come join us, steve by snecca on 19.10.2004
          Some tips for you by Steve miles on 20.10.2004

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