Brian Phipps: GBR Youth Hobie Cat Worlds - results
Message #106 by:  James Power
Posted on:  Saturday 13th of April 2002 at 1:17 pm

GBR Youth Hobie16 team Mike Thomson/Matt Quaife at the Hobie16 Worlds New
Caledonia finish 29th over all in a final world class fleet of 65 boats from
the top Hobie Cat sailors, many of whom have been past Hobie Cat champions. The fleet stared out 8 days ago with an entry of 200+ teams, which through
qualifiers and semi finals got shortened down to the last 65. The final race was a battle between good fiends Mitch Booth and Gavin Colby,
Gavin had the upper hand in points but Mitch wriggled at every turn managing
to narrow the gap but not enough to get in front.

In the lead up to the last race the GBR youth team had recovered some lost
ground on the day before to move up to 25th.
The last race did not unfortunatly go their way recording a DNF but the team
despite this disappointment stayed inside the top 30 a great effort from
them and British youth catamaran sailing.
Brian Phipps RYA National Youth Multihull coach said ,I am very proud of
both youth teams results, Mike/Matt, Rob/Barney. They have sailed their
hearts out and done brilliantly for our first Hobie Cat World championship
event. We will be taking many ideas , thoughts and experiences back to the
rest of the squad sailors in the UK and will be looking to continue building
on this success at our next big event Euro Cat Carnac.

Brian Phipps RYA National Youth Multihull Coach

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Brian Phipps: GBR Youth Hobie Cat Worlds - results by James Power on 13.04.2002

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