Message #1059 by:  Jon
Posted on:  Saturday 18th of September 2004 at 6:00 pm
Yes they are Ok.
Although I've only ever known them to be used to allow the helm to place his/her foot on the arft decks just under the rudder arm. Obviously only to be used in a blow.

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 16 - Foot Loops - Class Legal? by Justine on 18.09.2004
     loops by Jon on 18.09.2004
          Loops by Dave on 20.09.2004
               loops by loopy on 20.09.2004
                    loops by Dave on 20.09.2004
                         avoiding mast by pitchpole pete on 20.09.2004
                              Hmm - reassessing the loops! by justine on 10.10.2004
                                   Loops by Ben on 12.10.2004

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