Brian Phipps: GBR Youth Hobie Cat Worlds
Message #105 by:  James Power
Posted on:  Saturday 13th of April 2002 at 1:12 pm
The youth Hobie cat teams of Mike Thomson/Matt Quaife, Rob Greig-Gran/Barney
Dearsly had a mixed set of results in their second race of the day on
Mike and Matt in a perfect 18kts of wind found excellent pace to finish well
up the fleet, 13, putting them back on course for the cut after their
disappointing result in one of the earlier race. Mean while Rob and Barney
had their problems on the course with wind shift that lead them to overstand
the windward mark on the first critical beat and a capsize on the way to the
offset, finishing down the fleet, 49, moving them out of the top 56 boats. At the start of the final days racing, Friday, Mike and Matt had to
consolidate their results , while Rob and Barney needed a top 20. In 25kts
gusting 30kts and a recording at mast head height of 42kts the fleet set off
from the start line. Mike and Matt our most experienced strong wind team
reveled in the conditions that were testing with big waves and strong gusts.
At one point in the race the team looked to be leading the fleet but a rouge
wave caught Mike and knocked him off the boat cost them some time and they
finally finished 14, a great effort and moving them well into the cut with a
30th position over all. Rob and Barney, fought hard but with less experience
in these conditions and in such a hot fleet the team were forced to retire
after a number of capsizes and running out of finishing time. Two poor
results for them has moved them well down the field into 78th position, but
the lads had learnt a lot and planed to put that experience into the final
race at the end of the day with nothing to lose.

Both teams have just left the beach for their final race of the day and
series, Mike and Matt looking to safely get a finish Rob and Barney going
for it in a long shot to make the cut.


Brian Phipps RYA National Youth Multihull Coach

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Brian Phipps: GBR Youth Hobie Cat Worlds by James Power on 13.04.2002

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