I want to move into a hobie 16. Can someone advise me???
Message #1041 by:  jake winter
Posted on:  Sunday 12th of September 2004 at 11:50 am
This is my last year in toppers, i now weigh 11stone and am 6foot.
-I want to helmn but am i too heavy?
-What cat experience did you have before you moved into HObie 16s? i sailed a 12ft cat for 2 hours in carnac and really enjoyed it
-How cheap can i pick up a second hand hobie 16?
-how long do sails stay competitive?


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Messages in this thread:
I want to move into a hobie 16. Can someone advise me??? by jake winter on 12.09.2004
     Hobie 16 by Jack on 12.09.2004
          Hobie 16 - Jake by Chris Mansfield on 09.10.2004

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