Taking Tiger forward
Message #1005 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 18th of August 2004 at 6:30 pm
This has generated a very interesting set of responses. The association needs input from Tiger sailors including those focusing on F18. All the Committee members are H16 sailors or parents of H16 or Dragoon sailors. Our aim is to help build Hobie and Cat sailing. The association has been very successful this year feeding Dragoon and H16 issues back to Hobie. We can do the same for all types of Hobie. Please make contact. The statements that Tiger sails are poor does not help anyone. Please Please come and join us and help build your association.

My observations in Europe do not support the view that most Tigers sail with non Tiger sails. Personally I consider it fantastic that Tigers can Win in Tiger or F18 straight out of the box from the factory however if you want to have a sail from your favourite sailmaker you can sail F18.

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Messages in this thread:
share in tiger or similer by Jon on 09.08.2004
     Tiger by Tigerman on 10.08.2004
          Spitfire by Spitfireman on 11.08.2004
               Spitfire by observer on 12.08.2004
                    Spitfire by stats on 16.08.2004
                    Tiger or F18 by Jon on 16.08.2004
                         Tiger by Tigerman on 17.08.2004
                              Taking Tiger forward by Dave Cooper on 18.08.2004
                                   Tiger Out of Box by Jon on 07.09.2004
                                        maybe cheaper..... by Spitfireman on 09.09.2004
                         Tiger by Martin Chadder on 12.09.2004
                              Tigers and Spitfires by Anon on 13.09.2004
     Tiger Share by Tigerman on 02.09.2004

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