Assembly hobie 14
Message #649 by: 
Posted on:  Friday 17th of October 2003 at 1:06 am
I need description how to assembly de trampoline . I saw in the Hobie 14 Manual Assembly, but they dont give me this information. Its not clear.



Re: Assembly hobie 14
Message #688 by:  Fabio Lavatelli
Posted on:  Friday 14th of November 2003 at 6:48 pm
Hi Carlos,

I believe it's too long to answer with complete instructions. There are a number of steps and details that explained must take about an entire page or more.

Main steps needed can be classified as follows:
1. Assembling frontbar, sidebars and rearbar
2. Mouting the trampoline over the hulls
3. Attaching the two trampoline-halves to the metallic structure
4. Raising the mast

Which one was unclear or difficult for you?
Once you have choosen one of them what specifically was your main problem?

Please let us know and we might be of help.


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