help i need a hobie 16 trailer fast. hire or buy
Message #569 by: 
Posted on:  Sunday 3rd of August 2003 at 11:03 pm
i am london/kent borders and need to hire or buy a trailer to collect my newly purchased hb16 from devon to go to london or lymington or poole, cash paid. Marc 07952-152-668

my icq number is 190568374

Message #570 by:  gavin
Posted on:  Monday 4th of August 2003 at 9:34 am
this place may rent you one...

thanks , thats a start
Message #572 by:  cybergamma
Posted on:  Monday 4th of August 2003 at 10:24 pm
that should get me sorted initially, thanks. I am still going to need to buy one though.

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