F18 / Tiger Events next year.
Message #1092 by:  Dave Williams
Posted on:  Tuesday 2nd of November 2004 at 7:40 am

Was wondering if anyone had a list of events for next year yet, or if the events page is going to be updated. Looking at organising the diary and would be good to know what/when F18/Tiger opens are as well as when the nationals/europeans/long distance stuff are. Aleady have some dates but finding it hard to pin down the open/tt events as well as nationals/europeans.



F18/Tiger events 2005
Message #1093 by:  Ruth events sec
Posted on:  Tuesday 2nd of November 2004 at 6:31 pm
THe F18 events are organised by the F18 Association website www.f18.org.uk and are busy being finalised.
The Hobie events are likewise being finalised.
For more up to date info it would be worth joining the class association and I can then update you about events.
Tiger training may also be on the agenda next year.

Message #1094 by:  A Member
Posted on:  Wednesday 3rd of November 2004 at 11:25 am
Members would love to be updated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is the association going to run any events for non-youth members? 15, fx1, tiger? or even youths in these classes

Training and events
Message #1095 by:  Dates
Posted on:  Wednesday 3rd of November 2004 at 6:10 pm
Hey 2005 dates are in 2005 dragoon poster on this site, Could the webmaster put them in the more obvious place

Message #1096 by:  Ruth
Posted on:  Wednesday 3rd of November 2004 at 6:52 pm
I send out all info on events to every paid up member with the correct email address.Perhaps A member could email me with their correct email address at [email protected].
We try and run events to suit everyone whatever their age or boat, as number turnouts have been small this year, 2005 events will see more general Cat Opens which any Cat can compete at.

The Events on the Dragoon page are not correct i will be publishing a list of all confirmed events soon.

Message #1097 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 3rd of November 2004 at 8:42 pm
For the present I am on the BHCCA comittee and act as contact with the European association. You will find the European info at haveahobieday.com and you will also find a lot more info on the on the european F18 website. I will ask the webmaster to put the dates the events sec circulated to members on this site. I have not checked the dragoon site but will also find out if the events on this site, dragoon info page are correct and if they are youth only. My view is to sail in BHCCA events you should be a member however we need to get the dates out so you can plan.

Can I have some feedback if you agree or disagree with this view

Dave Cooper

Message #1115 by:  Dave Williams
Posted on:  Monday 13th of December 2004 at 9:35 pm

Absoluely agree on being a BHCCA member as well as being an F18 member. Am just awaiting my sail number (this weekend) and then will pay up asap.

In the mean time thx to all for the dates.



Message #1098 by:  Johnoo
Posted on:  Wednesday 3rd of November 2004 at 11:19 pm
We all know that Tiger does not happen - It's F18
And 16s are only for the kids
And nothing else really races

Johnoo - events
Message #1099 by:  Tigerman
Posted on:  Thursday 4th of November 2004 at 8:17 am
What do you sail? The assn has always said that it will and does provide training and events for all Hobie's. The only thing they ask is that you join for a year @ £25.00 or for the event @ £10.00 per weekend (hope that is correct). This is the same for any class.
Good value or what?
There are many boats (Hobies included) in boat parks in the UK that hardly ever go out even in club events. How can we get them on the water?
You tell the assn what you want and they can look at it.

Message #1100 by:  A Member
Posted on:  Thursday 4th of November 2004 at 4:46 pm
Ruths confidential list

Hi all,
Events for next year are still being finalised, Im not going to publish any unconfirmed events as this causes problems when they change but I know that a few
of you are anxious to know the calendar.
These events are all confirmed.

26th/27th March Rutland Hobie TT for all classes
28-31 March Hobie Tiger Worlds St.Barbara USA
4th-8th April Largs RYA Youth Nationals Hobie 16 only
28th April-1st May Eurocat Carnac France all classes
14th/15th May Rutland Cat Open
2nd/3rd July Eastbourne Cat Open
9th-15th July F18 Worlds Hook of Holland
1st-5th August Tiger Europeans, FX1 and Hobie 14 Gravedande Holland
12th August-19th August Hobie 16 and Dragoon Europeans Heilingenham,Germany
19th-21st August F18 Nationals Wothing
27th-29th August(2 days training before) Hobie Nationals (all classes) Restronguet Sailing Club,Falmouth
24th-25th September Pevensey Bay Hobie TT( with 505s) all classes
15th/16th October Grafham Cat Open
24th October-24th Nov Hobie 16 Worlds, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

I will keep eveyone updated and publish the full list to go on the website when it is finalised

Hobie dealer
Message #1103 by:  Other Johno
Posted on:  Friday 5th of November 2004 at 9:57 pm
All over the country- it is Hobie 16s which are sitting in the dinghy parks. They are not the main classes raced, but the hobie dealers are taught to be the most pushy dealers in the country, so the gullible beginners end up with hobies. I know that Ruth and others are working very hard for the class, but you just have the wrong boat ! It is a horrible tippy old fashioned cat (fun in its day) which spends most of its time upside down.

Johnoo - Which boat?
Message #1104 by:  Tigerman
Posted on:  Saturday 6th of November 2004 at 1:41 pm
My question is what boat do you sail? And from where?
There are many Hobie's in the range. France and Europe do not have such a problem and the 16 is the only cat to be sailed truly internationally and in big numbers. That is why the rest of the world are sailing them. At the worlds last year entries were closed some months before the event because of such high demand, that was all groups from grand masters down (so not just a kids boat).
To enjoy a boat is it not better to have some pointers/lessons to get more out of it? If sailors are having difficulty why not come to a weekend training and improve there level? This is what the assn are here for, to help all Hobie sailors at what ever level.

Tippy Hobies
Message #1122 by: 
Posted on:  Tuesday 11th of January 2005 at 5:35 pm
So what cat would you buy?

Dragoon 2005 Poster
Message #1101 by: 
Posted on:  Thursday 4th of November 2004 at 6:35 pm
The webmaster would quite like to know where this poster is as has has no recollection of putting it on this web site! Perhaps it is on the dragoon web site? If "Dates" would like to tell me where he/she thinks it is, I can then put a link to it.


Message #1108 by:  dates
Posted on:  Tuesday 9th of November 2004 at 5:13 pm
Hey do not read your own site, see dragoon charter, why is the rest of the site so old?

Message #1109 by:  A Member
Posted on:  Wednesday 10th of November 2004 at 5:01 pm
though better than f18 site, sorry should call it the NACRA site

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