British Hobie Cat Class Association Training

Helm ____________________ Crew ___________________
Name ____________________ Name ___________________
Membership No. ____________________ Membership No. ___________________
Contact No. ____________________ Contact No. ___________________
Class ____________________ Sail Number ___________________

What cat sailing or other sailing have you done individually or as a team? _____________________________________________________________

We apply to attend the above training session and enclose a cheque for £______, payable to the British Hobie Cat Class Association. We agree to be bound by the Racing Rules of Sailing and all other rules that from time to time may be applied. We declare that during the event a valid and current third party insurance of at least £2million for each and every vessel that is sailed by the applicants.
Helm signature ____________________ Crew signature ____________________
Parent/guardian signature (if sailor under the age of 18) ____________________