Hobie Multi-Europeans Womens Championship in the Netherlands

Fine weather, light winds and a strong tide were less than ideal conditions for the 13 strong fleet of women from 5 countries competing at Katwitz from 3rd-4th August. The event was subject to windshifts and weather that swung from hot sunshine to stormy thunderbursts.

In all conditions, however, racing was dominated by the British team of Ellen Foreshaw and Martine Landmann who took the 5 race series with 2 first, 1 second and 1 ninth places, discarding a 12th place in race 2.

Foreshaw/Landmann were challenged throughout the event by the Austrian team of Danesco and Anguin who chalked up 2 secopnd and a third to finish 2nd overall. The German Wichardt sisters were 3rd.

Foreshaw and Landmann’s win also gave them automatic qualification into the Championship fleet for the main Championship to be held later in the week.

Also well placed were the British team of kami Marshall and Helen Scott, who finished 9th overall after an impressive 3rd place in Race 3.