Message #1057 by: Gary Gibbs  (email: [email protected])
Posted on: Wednesday 15th of September 2004 at 11:11 pm
Subject: hobie twixxy vs dart 16

No doubt youre biased (!) but are there any articles comparing and contrasting the above. Im a "just learning to sail must have a cat" person so not a lot of experience - I keep getting both of the above recommended and would like to try to make a choice sometime this century. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks.


Message #1060 by: j
Posted on: Saturday 18th of September 2004 at 6:22 pm
Subject: it depends.

Are you planning to sail alone or with crew?
If you have crew and you are not planning to sail with a child you might want to think about a Hobie 16.
Its not a bad first cat,- simple but fast - and you can pick up a second hand boat that's quite cheap. Dart 16 and twix r both quite new so there are fewer 2nd hand boats on the market.

If you want to sail alone than you might want to go for the smaller twix, both the Hobie 16 and Dart 16 would be a handful on your own for a novice


Message #1061 by: Jono
Posted on: Saturday 18th of September 2004 at 8:26 pm
Subject: hobie twixxy vs dart 16

All I said was that the Twixxy was only about 14ft and only suitable for light teenagers and my post was removed !

Gary, Don't expect unbiased opinions here !


Message #1067 by: Webmaster  (email: [email protected])
Posted on: Monday 20th of September 2004 at 9:02 pm
Subject: Hobie Police

I am the "policeman" and your mail was not removed! I guess something must have gone astray when it was posted - we have had the odd problem with the forum recently. Please try again.



Message #1107 by: Neil  (email: [email protected])
Posted on: Monday 8th of November 2004 at 8:32 pm
Subject: Twixxy vs Dart 16

I had the same problem and went for a Twixxy in the end dispite the name putting me off. They are very similar in alot of respects and you would be very happy with either. What decided it for me in the end was the good construction, ease of strip down for roof topping, better fittings and a lower price tag on the Twixxy. We have used the boat a huge amount in all sorts of conditions, even taken it to Spain in the caravan. We sail with up to 4 people but normally with 3. I am 6 ft 3 and 95kg and my sons are not small either. Yachts and Yachting gave it a rave review about March this year which is worth a read. If you visit the Hobie centre Poole website ( you will see some photos of my boat scrolling with other boats on the home page, hull flying. If you would like more info give me a quick email. I have my Twixxy for sale at the moment but that is not the reason for my positive report. The boat is a great single hander or family boat and we have the best times with it. I have just purchased a Hobie Pacific because we got a realy good deal on it and it is the next step up having gained a huge amount of experience and confidence with the Twixxy. We have had the equivilent of about 3years use from the Twixxy since Feb when I collected it. We sail almost every weekend and on holiday and are usually the first boat out and last in. Hope this helps. Neil.