Message #1083 by: Steve Miles  (email: [email protected])
Posted on: Thursday 14th of October 2004 at 7:52 pm
Subject: righting a 16

Having fairly recently bought a 16 i thought that i would soon learn how to right the 16. At the moment i and my crew are unable to right the boat without assistance. I have read every book i can find ad we appear to be dong things correctly, but we just cannot get the mast to come out of the water. I have a mast head float which adds a little weight to the top of the mast but we just are unable to move it.

We must be doing something wrong but we don't know what!

Any suggestions?

Steve Miles


Message #1084 by: Chris
Posted on: Friday 15th of October 2004 at 8:11 am
Subject: righting a 16

Are you near Grafham this weekend? There are several 16 sailors there who would be only too pleased to help you. If not at Grafham what about Weymouth 23rd/24th October? There is Class training for all. It is a very good value weekend at the New Sailing Centre in Portland Harbour. Contact Cookie at [email protected] for details of these and other dates.

See you at Grafham/Weymouth?


Message #1085 by: Steve Miles
Posted on: Friday 15th of October 2004 at 10:10 am
Subject: Righting a 16

Thanks for that chris

I'm sure attending these events would get me sorted out no problem! the main problem is that I live 30 miles north of Inverness in the highlands of Scotland and I sail even further north and west of that.

Weymouth might as well be china on that score!

I will persevere and if we cannot get it sorted we might be down!

Cheers anyway

best regards



Message #1086 by: Drew
Posted on: Monday 18th of October 2004 at 5:33 pm
Subject: some tips for you

Im a ex-16 sailer, but i sailed them for a few years, and it sounds to me like you've got water in your mast, this is frequently a problem with the older boats. if you cant get and water out (tipping the mast from end to end and listing for water is thebest way of telling) then you just have toi harness hop, are you doing this already? this is where the crew stands on the spreader bar of the other crew member who is trapezing off the righting line. if you do find water then just drill out a rivette at the end of the mast and drain it, then seal it up again, u are unlikely to fing the source of the leak and to do so requires a lot of hard work and time in the garage. best of luck with your righting efforts!


Message #1087 by: snecca
Posted on: Tuesday 19th of October 2004 at 8:38 am
Subject: come join us, steve

Visit the Scotland and North of England Catamaran
Class Association (SNECCA) website. Soon, their 2005
dates will be online.
They are hoping for an event in Chanonry next year,
which will be the closest catamaran event to you.
We hope to see you there, if not at any other events in
There will be other 16's there, or failing that, old 16
sailors for heaps of advice.



Message #1088 by: Steve miles  (email: [email protected])
Posted on: Wednesday 20th of October 2004 at 9:31 am
Subject: Some tips for you

Thanks for that Drew

i was starting to think along those lines because we just could not get the mast to even break the surface of the water. the mast has been left erected all season so its difficult to say if it has water in it. Our season ends in a couple of weeks so i will be taking he mast down and i will check if the mast has water in it. If it has i will drain it like you said. Are there any particular places where the water is likley to be getting in? or could it be anywhere?

thanks for the info i will investigate and let you know f you are correct!

Best regards
