Crew needed for day one of Nationals
Message #972 by:  JON
Posted on:  Monday 2nd of August 2004 at 6:53 pm
Crew needed of Day one of Nationals

I plan to do the nationals this year, but my regular crew cannot make the fist day of competition.
Would I be breaking the rules if I competed with one crew on day 1 and another on days 2 and 3?
If the answer to the above question is no then is there anyone out there who would be willing to crew on day 1
Iíll admit that itís a Ďspecialí boat that is not very competitive (Sail No 100098), but hey its got the most sexy sails in the fleet.



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Messages in this thread:
Crew needed for day one of Nationals by JON on 02.08.2004
     crew change by rules on 02.08.2004
          crew change by Ruth events sec on 03.08.2004

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