Hobie 16 for sale more details
Message #951 by: 
Posted on:  Tuesday 13th of July 2004 at 7:11 pm
2000 boat no. 106101
Complete with 2 suits good sails and new spinaker kit, road trailer and box, launching trolley, hull, tramp and rudder covers. All in immaculate condition. Excellent race record. Genuine reason for sale. Based in Cornwall but delivery possible. £4900. Pictures and other details available on request. 01736 369712 or 07817868795

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Hobie 16 for sale more details by Ryan Crawford on 13.07.2004
     Hobie 16 for sale by George on 06.08.2004
          re hobie 16 for sale by Ryan Crawford on 09.08.2004

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