Message #936 by: 
Posted on:  Wednesday 30th of June 2004 at 10:26 am
Hi Nick
I understand you might have past Portsmouth Yardstick
numbers. If so please help me. I sail an old 420 with
the mast in the forward position (like a mirror) for the
solo helm.
Consequently I have no jib, spin or traipse. I mix with
the main race fleet at our club but get handicapped into
the latter end of the field. To make things worse last
Sunday there were a full blown 420 (sailing on the
same PYS) that left me for dead and to my amazement
only finished in the top half of the fleet. For my own
satisfaction I would love to know the handicap from
when they were raced solo, they were honest! Maybe I
can convince the committee to use it given proof.
Of course I could just think I'm a better sailor than I am
but I would like to know.


Richard. Sutton Bingham SC. Somerset.

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Messages in this thread:
Handicapping by Nick Hardacre on 07.01.2003
     Handicapping by viv nichols on 07.01.2003
          Handicapping by Nick Hardacre on 09.01.2003
               handicaps by chris browning on 13.03.2003
     Handicaping by Ian Craven on 08.01.2003
          Handicapping by Nick Hardacre on 09.01.2003
     h'cap by Richard Heaton on 30.06.2004

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