16 for newbies
Message #873 by:  gavin
Posted on:  Wednesday 5th of May 2004 at 8:38 am
although i'd sailed mono hulls for years (badly i may
add) i had the same reservations about getting a 16.
truth is, its pretty easy to sail (but hard to sail well). just
don't go out in a blow for a while.

as for righting, again i had all the mono-hull
brainwashing of how you could'nt right a cat. i have got
a mast float on (i also sail in shallow waters so saves
bending the mast), but when i popped mine in i was
amazed at how easy it came up. just rig a basic righting
line under the tramp and swim the mast to 45deg into
the wind.

if the 16 is a deal, get it!

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Messages in this thread:
Is Hobie 16 too much for a newbies crew? by Matthew on 03.05.2004
     16 for newbies by gavin on 05.05.2004
     Hobie's good for newbies by An Adult on 05.05.2004

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