Is Hobie 16 too much for a newbies crew?
Message #870 by:  Matthew
Posted on:  Monday 3rd of May 2004 at 4:35 pm
Hi guys. We bought a Hobie 14 two years ago we had so much fun with it. The problem is that me and my father are chubby guys and we flipped the boat most of the time (bad saillers maybe). We have a great opportunity for a nice Hobie 16 and I was wondering if it's to much to handle for rookies like us. Also, can the boat be sailed by only one person? can it be flipped upright by a 240 pounds guy? Would you recommend a Mystere 16 instead? THANKS A LOT

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Messages in this thread:
Is Hobie 16 too much for a newbies crew? by Matthew on 03.05.2004
     16 for newbies by gavin on 05.05.2004
     Hobie's good for newbies by An Adult on 05.05.2004

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