Hobie Vs. Dart
Message #817 by:  Simon
Posted on:  Tuesday 9th of March 2004 at 9:01 am
No contest - Hobie is mucccch cooler - only Dart owners can't see it - that's why they've got Darts.

I bought a Hobie 15 Club last year - less difficult to sail / learn than a 16, but nonetheless very exciting (and fast )to sail. As to handicap, the only one I know of is me !

Good luck..


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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 15's by Kristian on 20.02.2004
     Kristian a reply by Chris Mansfield on 20.02.2004
          Dart 16 V Hobie 15 / 16 by Peter on 21.02.2004
               The right Cat by Ben Mansfield on 23.02.2004
                    Which cat by Kristian Davies on 23.02.2004
                         easy rig by mark on 26.02.2004
                              16 is OK for a Novice by An Adult on 26.02.2004
                         Hobie Vs. Dart by Simon on 09.03.2004
                              Hobie Vs. Dart by Peter on 11.03.2004
                                   Hobie vs Dart by Pongo on 19.03.2004
                                        Hobie V Dart by An Adult on 21.03.2004
                                             hobie / dart head-on by crusher on 22.03.2004
                                                  hobie vs dart by Anonymous on 11.05.2004
                                                       hobie's quicker by Anonymous on 17.05.2004

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