sticking my nose in
Message #546 by:  Andrew
Posted on:  Thursday 26th of June 2003 at 4:43 pm
I just bought my first Hobie (an old '71 Hobie 14). I wiegh about 190 lbs (I don't know the kg, I'm a slow American) and have been sailing it in fresh water (less buoyancy than salt). I have noticed that the hulls ride pretty low in the water when I am just getting going and I have dug the nose of the leeward hull into the water once already when the wind was up. You mentioned you had some thoughts on preventing this and I would love to hear them.


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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 14 by John Worden on 21.02.2003
     hobie 14 by mark farrow on 25.02.2003
          sticking my nose in by Andrew on 26.06.2003
     Hobie cat 14 user manual by Harold Joerges on 28.04.2003
          hobie cat sail measurements by paulo henrique costa on 22.07.2003

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