Hobie 14
Message #443 by: 
Posted on:  Friday 21st of February 2003 at 11:49 am
New to sailing, new to cats. Capsized on first attempt, it took 2 of us at least an hour to right it. Want to learn how to do it right but I'm in Blackpool, Lancs, which is a long way from any training venue. Can someone supply me with a rigging instructions/manual and a 'Teach yourself to sail a Hobie 14' user guide.

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Messages in this thread:
Hobie 14 by John Worden on 21.02.2003
     hobie 14 by mark farrow on 25.02.2003
          sticking my nose in by Andrew on 26.06.2003
     Hobie cat 14 user manual by Harold Joerges on 28.04.2003
          hobie cat sail measurements by paulo henrique costa on 22.07.2003

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