Message #422 by:  Ian Craven
Posted on:  Wednesday 8th of January 2003 at 10:26 pm
I sail a Hobie 16 in a club in West Yorkshire, Grimwith sailing club, and have the same problem. Very few cats and loads of Vortex's!!
They have me down as a handicap of 807. I can beat some of them if its blowing hard but I have to nearly lap them.
I have more fun just blasting them down the reaches and racing the rescue boat, as there is now way I can be competetive. We have been labled "the entertainment" especialy when the wind is blowing F5+.
I will keep checking the measages to see if anyone has a solution.

You are not alone Nick

Good luck in your quest


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Messages in this thread:
Handicapping by Nick Hardacre on 07.01.2003
     Handicapping by viv nichols on 07.01.2003
          Handicapping by Nick Hardacre on 09.01.2003
               handicaps by chris browning on 13.03.2003
     Handicaping by Ian Craven on 08.01.2003
          Handicapping by Nick Hardacre on 09.01.2003
     h'cap by Richard Heaton on 30.06.2004

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